Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Hey Guys Spy here just saying that I will be doing a music video (A PSY Gangnam Style Parody) with Bam (Or Epic as I call him) and ya It will be made about November/October so I'm just planning it right now and stuff so look out for it!


Meanwhile check out my Diamond (BinWeevils Parody) Music Video!

WATCH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 13 June 2013


Hey guys Bam here great news

Yes you guessed it I am a Member ! And level 11 who are you looking  forward meeting I am looking forward nest inspector

bye weevils


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Bam Here!

Hey Bam here I have not been able to blog much but that's because of my Cp blog. But I will be blogging twice a week now.Right down to business well done Spy for getting  in to Weevil Weekly!

And I am going to say that as soon as I get a membership,I will get the big scoops!

See ya soon weevils!

Monday, 3 June 2013


Hey Guys Spy here I have some really exciting news I'm>>>
And I'm in Weevil Weekly (Scribbles mag) well half of me anyways here's a pic:

Lol anyways I (HOPE FINGERS CROSSED) that Bam-Its-Epic will start to post soon and help me out!

And Yea Weevil On!
