Friday, 19 July 2013

Leaving BinWeevils blogging

UPDATE:Bam-Its-Epic's last words:
"Hey guys I'm leaving BinWeevils blogging as well as Spy because I can't go on without Spy helping and since he would pass it on to me I'm gonna just leave the blog as it is and delete myself from BW Undercover and Spyrox (Spy) will do his FINAL FINAL FINAL post about the Gangnam Style video then he will do the same as me;delete his self of this blog!  

Lets face it this blog has never got views from any other people rather than the authors so I'm quitting BW blogging not binweevils just its blogging :P
My words:
"Right now I'm doing a Lollo blog wich is my main ambition!
Plus I'm re-starting my ClubPenguin blog next year so byeee"
I did this post on my phone wich is why its so small!!!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


Hey Guys Spy here just saying that I will be doing a music video (A PSY Gangnam Style Parody) with Bam (Or Epic as I call him) and ya It will be made about November/October so I'm just planning it right now and stuff so look out for it!


Meanwhile check out my Diamond (BinWeevils Parody) Music Video!

WATCH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 13 June 2013


Hey guys Bam here great news

Yes you guessed it I am a Member ! And level 11 who are you looking  forward meeting I am looking forward nest inspector

bye weevils


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Bam Here!

Hey Bam here I have not been able to blog much but that's because of my Cp blog. But I will be blogging twice a week now.Right down to business well done Spy for getting  in to Weevil Weekly!

And I am going to say that as soon as I get a membership,I will get the big scoops!

See ya soon weevils!

Monday, 3 June 2013


Hey Guys Spy here I have some really exciting news I'm>>>
And I'm in Weevil Weekly (Scribbles mag) well half of me anyways here's a pic:

Lol anyways I (HOPE FINGERS CROSSED) that Bam-Its-Epic will start to post soon and help me out!

And Yea Weevil On!


Thursday, 30 May 2013

New Code

Hey Guys I've got a new code and its for this nest item:

The code is CLOTT3927

Weevil on,



A brand new Best Nest Magazine has been published at Weevil Post, Rigg’s Multiplex… and it looks like Christmas has come early this year! As Bing would say, “It can be Christmas every day!”
With Bing’s help, the Nest Inspector has picked out some Bin-tastic festive room designs…by some talented nest decorators who clearly enjoy Christmas all year as much as Bing does! Have a peek inside the mag to see ten of the coolest rooms, and be sure to check out Bing’s new holiday song inside Club Fling!

For a chance to send your nest snaps to the Nest Inspector, you’ll need to be a Bin Tycoon Member. To learn more and find out about all the Bin-tastic stuff you can do as a Bin Tycoon, visit the Membership page.

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

New Song: Christmas Every Day!

Christmas-mad Bing never stops singing his favourite carols!  Everywhere he goes, he spreads a little Christmas cheer… and leaves a trail of tinsel and glitter.  Now, he’s even penned his own Christmas track – and what better time to release it than right in the middle of summer! That’s when everyone could use some holiday cheer, after all.
Bing’s song will be on the Bin Tunes album this summer, but you festive folks have the chance to hear it first. Head over to Club Fling now to hear an exclusive clip from Christmas Every Day!

We’ll release a new song clip every week as we count down to Bin Tunes. Plus, each time you listen to a new song, you can pick up a FREE Music Note wall sticker for your nest – one of 12 to collect.

DID YOU KNOW? Four of the songs on Bin Tunes feature lyrics co-written by our competition-winning fans… and now we’re looking for even MORE superstars to help create the music video for So Much Better With Two! Four lucky fans will win a chance to help make the new video and work with a pro animation director! To learn more about how to enter the competition, visit Gong’s Pipenest and pop into the ANIMATION STATION!

Check out the full track listing on, and don’t forget to download The Big Bin Weevil Ball, our very first single!

Let us know what you think about the new track, Christmas Every Day, in the comments below!

 Cool eh?


Monday, 27 May 2013

Wear a Sombrero to Win a Prize!

Hola! Have you got your Fiesta wear on? Starting this afternoon, we’ll be on the lookout for Sombrero-sporting señores and señoritas! (That’s you, weevily boys and girls!)
If you’re spotted wearing your Sombrero hat around the Binscape, you could win an exclusive nest item. Bag yourself a Sombrero that looks just like the Nest Inspector’s famous lid and hangs on the wall in your nest room!
Haven’t got a Sombrero hat to wear yet? Dance your way over to Hem’s Hats at Dosh’s Palace and pick one up today – it’s perfect for getting into the Fiesta mood!

To buy a Sombrero hat, open your own Fiesta Party Room and much more, you will need to be a Bin Tycoon Member. Join now and don’t miss out on the fun!

Wow they did that for Halloween LAST YEAR and I won a prize :P

SeeYa around,


Sunday, 26 May 2013

FIESTA TIP: Earn MEGA Mulch and XP!

To open your own Party Rooms, decorate your own Fiesta and earn lots of Mulch whenever you have guests at your party, you will need to be a Bin Tycoon member. Members can also wear an exclusive Sombrero Hat!
Learn more about all the cool stuff you can do as a member and become a Bin Tycoon now on the Membership Page!

Cool eh?

See ya around,


New Admin!

Hey Guys Spy here just letting you know I have found a new Admin!

On Binweevils he is called Bam-Its-Epic and he will be helping me do pages and writing posts,and here's a pic of me and him!

Ok I'm sure he will be a good author/admin,anyway since he has only just been welcomed to the blog use this code!

The code is WELCOME123 and that (below) is the item you will get:

Thats all from me today be sure to check BinWeevils UNDERCOVER for the lastest news!!!


Monday, 20 May 2013

NEW! Bin Pets Bop at Club Fling!

Bin Pets are the coolest, cutest, cleverest companions – and now they’ve even got their own song! Not only can they juggle, spin, fetch, dance and run on tiptoes, it sounds like they’ve got a great sense of rhythm too. Join Dott and the Bin Pets and sing along to the weevily catchy new clip at Club Fling, Bin Pets Bop!
We’ll release a new song clip every week as we count down to Bin Tunes. Plus, each time you listen to a new song, you can pick up a FREE Music Note wall sticker for your nest – one of 12 to collect.

DID YOU KNOW? Bin Tunes is YOUR album, and now we’re asking our fans to help us make the next Bin Tunes music video! Keep an eye on the What’s New Blog this week, and look out for the Animate It! Studio opening soon at Gong’s Pipenest to find out how you can become the next weevily superstar! Four lucky kids will be working with a director to help create the video for So Much Better With Two!
Check out the full track listing on, and don’t forget to download The Big Bin Weevil Ball, our very first single!
Let us know what you think about the new track, Bin Pets Bop, in the comments below!

Cool eh? By The Way if you click on the different tunes in ClubFling you will get a music note item :P


Weekend Puzzle Challenge!

Ok sorry the picture is a bit blurry but I figured out the Puzzle and the Code is: MARACAS


Sunday, 19 May 2013


Hey Weevils welcome to the first post of BinWeevils UNDERCOVER!

I Spyrox have worked on many different blogs about other virtual worlds with my friends I hope that some of my friends can help me write this blog and be apart of it,anyways I will try to keep up-to-date as possible (which might be a bit hard while going solo) anyway so Yea welcome,enjoy,and Weevil Around!

Due to the Grand Opening I will give you this code:


                             See ya around,
