Monday, 27 May 2013

Wear a Sombrero to Win a Prize!

Hola! Have you got your Fiesta wear on? Starting this afternoon, we’ll be on the lookout for Sombrero-sporting señores and señoritas! (That’s you, weevily boys and girls!)
If you’re spotted wearing your Sombrero hat around the Binscape, you could win an exclusive nest item. Bag yourself a Sombrero that looks just like the Nest Inspector’s famous lid and hangs on the wall in your nest room!
Haven’t got a Sombrero hat to wear yet? Dance your way over to Hem’s Hats at Dosh’s Palace and pick one up today – it’s perfect for getting into the Fiesta mood!

To buy a Sombrero hat, open your own Fiesta Party Room and much more, you will need to be a Bin Tycoon Member. Join now and don’t miss out on the fun!

Wow they did that for Halloween LAST YEAR and I won a prize :P

SeeYa around,


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